09 – The Heistback of Notre Dame (with Judith Shoemaker)

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It’s a bit of a topsy turvy day in the heist lounge as our two career crooks welcome actress, producer, and queen of crime Judith Shoemaker to go on a spiritual ans holy journey.

The crown of thorns has been saved from the fires that ravaged the cathedral of Notre Dame, only to be stored away from Jesus’ most devout followers? Unlikely. Turning water into wine and crime into improv comedy, the trio is hunched over their plans to share the glory of third class relics with the world and rejoice in the light of our own personal Jesus Mr. Cash.

You can reach How Do I Rob This on Twitter: @HowDoIRobThis

Or find out more about our heist plans on Instagram: @HowDoIRobThis

Or follow our two mastermind criminals @theoskarbrown and @smweissbach

Our special guest Judith Shoemaker is on instagram @shoedith_jumaker, follow her for all her acting shenanigans, say “hi”

New episodes on the 7th of every month. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and YouTube – and please feel free to leave us a sweet, sweet review!